Mastering the Command Line - The Secret to Simplifying AI Workflows

explore additional useful features based on your specific requirements.

Shuyi Wang
12 min readJul 23, 2024

I previously demonstrated how to use AI to summarize a three-hour video and draft a 2,000-word blog post, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to AI capabilities.


Recently, some friends have shared their experiences with me. After seeing examples demonstrated by others and witnessing the powerful capabilities of AI, they are eager to integrate this technology with their own skills. However, faced with a flood of new information, they often feel overwhelmed. After struggling to master a particular software tool, they frequently discover that the technology is outdated or that better solutions exist, which can be quite frustrating.

Take prompt engineering as an example. At this stage, mastering this “spell-casting technique” can make a significant difference in the results produced by large language models. For instance, the difference between “Write an article about climate change” and “Write a 2,000-word article in the style of a science journalist discussing the impact of climate change on polar bear habitats” can yield vastly different outcomes.



Shuyi Wang

PhD in Information Science. Associate Professor at Tianjin Normal University. Former Adjunct Faculty at UNT. First Prize Winner of HackNTX 2018.