The Comprehensive Memory Archive for the “Heavy Tool, Light Use” Enthusiast — The Experiment
Let’s enlist AI to help us, the indolent ones, in our battle against the curve of oblivion.
The Predicament
Since embracing the philosophy of “heavy tool, light use,” I’ve stumbled upon a dilemma akin to yours: the scattering of information. In pursuit of content, I found myself flipping through several note apps in a row, much like an auntie downstairs rummaging through bins for plastic bottles.
My initial fix was to employ Devonthink as a hub. Any content storable in Markdown or other local formats was indexed there for unified search. I’ve expounded on the merits of this approach in “After exploring numerous tools, how can one sidestep ‘efficiency addiction’?.” Yet, the issue is equally grave — for SaaS tools with real-time data not stored locally (though exportable periodically), this method falls short.
Even more troubling, many impactful insights may never make it into your note system. There are times when an online article strikes me profoundly, prompting an impromptu monologue with my AudioPen. The notes remain, but the source slips my mind. Re-tracing the origin and pinpointing the specifics later proves inefficient.